Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Body of Work, Catalina Bartolome

We love the work of Catalina Bartolome, the work of this Argentinian born photographer always plays in between a bizarre beauty concept, making "simple complex images" that makes us re-consider the notion of beauty.

Her "head-less" portraits also, challenge the typical notion as also our mental image of what a portrait should be. Her images are strangely alluring for their surreal scenes.

Catalina is a worldly woman who when asked about her work replies: "My work is about the body. My body is about my work".

She continues "My work comes out of my head, intuitive mental images which emerge from my context and then are absorbed into a space of rationality turning bodies into unprejudiced scenery."

Here @ LA76 we just found her work beautiful and inspiring and wanted to share it with you guys.

Don't forget to visit her website clicking here

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